This release fixes the critical in the previous version.
Find the detailed description of the new release on the GitHub page: Release ConfuserEx 1.4.1
You can review all changes done here: Changes in v1.4.1
The MSBuild integration of ConfuserEx is available on NuGet Gallery - ConfuserEx.MSBuild 1.4.1
You can also get the bleeding edge builds from the CI Server!
The new release contains bugfixes, new features and improvements over the previous version.
Find the detailed description of the new release on the GitHub page: Release ConfuserEx 1.4.0
You can review all changes done here: Changes in v1.4.0
The MSBuild integration of ConfuserEx is available on NuGet Gallery - ConfuserEx.MSBuild 1.4.0
You can also get the bleeding edge builds from the CI Server!
This version contains a critical bugfix over Version 1.3.0. It fixes the ObfuscationAttribute
on assembly and module level.
You can review all changes done here: Changes in v1.3.1
This new version contains only some bugfixes over the 1.2.0 version of ConfuserEx.
You can review all changes done here: Changes in v1.3.0
You can also get the bleeding edge builds from the CI Server!!!
This new version contains only some bugfixes over the 1.1.0 version of ConfuserEx.
You can review all changes done here: Changes in v1.2.0
You can also get the bleeding edge builds from the CI Server!!!